Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nightmare Fuel Podcast--Episode Six--Carmilla on the Silver Screen

Good evening, my lovely deviants!

Carmilla has been filmed many, many times. The films discussed in this episode constitute just a small slice of the delicious, blood-filled, vampire pie that is Carmilla on film. Indulge the decadent goodness with this episode. The films discussed are completely SPOILER FREE! No artificial fillers, or preservatives were used either.

I also discuss my impressions of the Steel City Con which was held at the end of July. I finally got round to recording it all here, after many delays.

As always, you can enjoy the vampy goodness here (via the player below) or download on Archive.org

CLICK HERE: to download from Archive.org

As always, comments are greatly appreciated...
Either comment in the box below the post. Or, via email: nightmarefuelpodcast@gmail.com

Images of the Week

Ingrid Pitt as Carmilla

The lovely Collinson Twins (see if you can tell which is which)

Katya Wyeth as Carmilla

Yutte Stensgaard as Carmilla

Videos of the Week

Madeline Collinson brings sexy vamp!

Ingrid Pitt proves why being a vampire can be a pain in the neck sometimes.

Music for this Episode

Venefica from the EP Scarlet. Featured tracks for the past two episodes were--Little Fragments, and, Scarlet.
CLICK HERE: to download this EP from archive.org
Website: http://myspace.com/veneficaproject
Email for this artist: aria.venefica@gmail.com

Next Week: Insearch of...Sir Arthur C. Clarke's World of Mysterious Nimoy Powers! (Vulcan Edition)

1 comment:

  1. You forgot CRYPT OF THE VAMPIRE with Christopher Lee as well as Roger Vadim's BLOOD AND ROSES. There was also a Polish television version, very hard to find, but quite good.
